
Due to the importance of the hydroelectric system for the national energy matrix, Brazil was one of the countries that built more dams in the recent decades for use in Hydroelectric Plants (UHEs) and, especially, in Small Hydroelectric Plants (SHPs). Even more investments are expected for this sector in the coming years.

Earth and Rockfill dams, designed to accumulate water for the generation of electricity, require inspection, control and monitoring procedures. Such measures aim at predicting the behavior of the structure during its useful life, in addition to verifying the design premises.

Therefore, these structures must generally be framed in the Brazilian National Dam Safety Policy (Federal Law 12.334 / 2010) and comply with Resolution 696/2017 of the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL).

Thus, there is a strong demand for consultancy in Dam Safety, which includes Regular Safety Inspections, Dam Safety Plans, Dam Break Studies, among others.

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